Session one of term 1 2022! We had our first ever session at Mount Biggs School just out Feilding. We are super happy that we have been able to work with schools and students again, even with all the changes that covid has caused, so our team were very excited for the day. And it was a hot day, a very hot day!!!!
Outside we made “Salads in a bucket”, with snow peas, carrots, lettuce, basil and kale. We got the drill out to put a few holes near the bottom of the bucket to let out excess water, then we filled the buckets with potting mix and different types of plant food. (Icing sugar – Lime, Sprinkles – General garden fertiliser, Cinnamon – Blood and bone, Chocolate chips – Sheep poo!) The seedlings were planted very carefully and then the buckets were watered and put in the shade house – Because it was way too hot to leave them in the sun! I hope to see some photos of the “salads” as they grow. I am also excited that Plant to Plate Aotearoa will be helping Mount Biggs School set up new gardening beds in the coming weeks – watch this space for more information on this!
The School hall was wafting yummy smells out towards those of us who were working outside – even though it was so hot and everyone had to wear their masks inside while cooking, room one did such an amazing job of making lunch. All the yummy recipes are just to the left <———. I hope that you try these recipes at home with your whanau. It was such a yummy lunch and the favourite recipe of the day was the apple and zucchini muffins, followed closely by the avocado and chocolate brownie (avocado in a brownie!!!!)
Thank you room One for a wonderful morning, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Please have a look at the photos and short videos below. Our team is looking forward to heading back to Mt Biggs in March. Until then, happy gardening everyone! Jacinda
Jobs for the Summer.
Keep weeding and watering. Water in the early morning or in the evening to help stop the water evaporating before it has sunk into the soil properly. Keep harvesting all your crops daily – especially things like zucchini which can go from normal size to elephant size in just a couple of days. Starting planning what you are going to grow over the winter months and start of seeds.

This time of the year bird like to eat our fruit and vegetables that are ready to harvest. This is a simple and fun way to deter them.