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We are a fairly competitive bunch our family, so seen as we have some time on our hands we are having a grass head people, hair growing competition! Instructions on how to make a Wheat Head Person (or grass head in our case) can be found if you click on the link on the right —->. We didn’t have all the materials needed, so we used what we had – celotape and paper instead of the stickers! We will watch our our grass head people, water when we think they need it and after a few days we will record when they sprout and then measure the grow of the grass every few days. After 4 weeks we will see who’s has the longest “hair”. (I’m sure it will be me!)

There are some photos of us making them below and I will update  with progress photo’s for you :) Have fun guys!


Our seeds all came up within a day of each other – my grass head took off with the fastest growth rate followed by Adams (he should be good at growing grass – he works with dairy farmers!) Maggie brown Dog did major damage to Layla’s with a whip of her tail, so she started again. 13 days in and mine is ever so slightly taller than Adam’s – he is trying to claim the win because his is thicker, but it was the tallest takes the win. We will check again in a few days and let you know if he’s managed to sneak ahead ;)